PhD thesis: Peripheral metabolism of serotonin
DSc thesis: Pathophysiology role of advanced glycation end products and therapeutic possibilities
Scientific aim: advanced glycation end products in nutrition, animal models of diseases
International stays:
1994-1995: DAAD fellowship, University Würzburg, Germany (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. A. Heidland),
Lab. of Nephrology and Hypertension
2004: Partnership for Tomorrow Program II, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, v Children Hospital of East Ontario, Ottawa, Clinic of Pediatrics, Department of Nephrology
6FP EC EU: ICARE (Impending neo-formed contaminants to reduce their health effects),
COLL-CT-2005, No.: 516415, 2006-2009 CENDO (Center of Excellence on Research of Neuroendocrine pathomechanisms of serious diseases) Slovak Academy of Sciences,
2007-2010 7FP EC EU: NANOtest, Health-F5-2008-201335, 2008-2011
Silver Medal of Slovak Medical Society, 2010
Pediatric Section of Slovak Nephrological Society: Best Paper of the Year 2009