Therapeutic Effects of DNase I on Peripheral and Local Markers of Liver Injury and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in a Model of Alcohol-Related Liver Disease
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Gromová Barbora, Gardlík Roman
All authors: Belvončíková, P, Feješ, A, Gromová, B, Janovičová, Ľ, Farkašová, A, Babál, P, Gardlík, R.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2025, 26, 1893.


Pre-Analytical Factors Affecting Extracellular DNA in Saliva
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Holániová D, Vlková B, Celec P.

Diagnostics (Basel). 2024 Jan 24;14(3):249.


Mitochondria-induced formation of neutrophil extracellular traps is enhanced in the elderly via Toll-like receptor 9
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Jakub Janko, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Konečná Barbora, Pastorek Michal, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Pastorek M, Konečná B, Janko J, Janovičová Ľ, Podracká Ľ, Záhumenský J, Šteňová E, Dúbrava M, Hodosy J, Vlková B, Celec P

Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2023 Aug 30:qiad101


Low endogenous deoxyribonuclease activity in the colon as a factor contributing to the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Gromová Barbora, Gardlík Roman
All authors: Gromova B, Janovicova L, Gardlik R

Medical Hypotheses. 2023; 174:111062.

Medical Hypotheses

Free heme exacerbates colonic injury induced by anti-cancer therapy
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica
All authors: Seika P, Janikova M, Asokan S, Janovicova L, Csizmadia E, O'Connell M, Robson SC, Glickman J, Wegiel B.

Frontiers in Immunology. 2023 Jun 5;14:1184105.


Endogenous DNase Activity in an Animal Model of Acute Liver Failure
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Jakub Janko, Gromová Barbora, Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Kmeťová K, Pribulová N, Janko J, Gromová B, Gardlík R, Celec P.

International Journal of Molecular Science. 2023 Feb 3;24(3):2984.



DNA in fresh urine supernatant is not affected by additional centrifugation and is protected against deoxyribonuclease
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Tóthová Ľubomíra, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Kmeťová K, Tóthová Ľ, Vlková B, Celec P.

Molecular and Cellular Probes 2023 Feb 8:101900.


Heme oxygenase-1 mitigates liver injury and fibrosis via modulation of LNX1/Notch1 pathway in myeloid cells
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Canesin G, Feldbrügge L, Wei G, Janovicova L, Janikova M, Csizmadia E, Ariffin J, Hedblom A, Herbert ZT, Robson SC, Celec P, Swanson KD, Nasser I, Popov YV, Wegiel B

iScience. 2022 Aug 20;25(9):104983


Labile Heme and Heme Oxygenase-1 Maintain Tumor-Permissive Niche for Endometriosis-Associated Ovarian Cancer
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Hecht JL, Janikova M, Choudhury R, Liu F, Canesin G, Janovicova L, Csizmadia E, Jorgensen EM, Esselen KM, Celec P, Swanson KD, Wegiel B

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Apr 29;14(9):2242


Variability of endogenous deoxyribonuclease activity and its pathophysiological consequences
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Čonka J, Lauková L, Celec P

Molecular and Cellular Probes. 2022 Oct; 65:101844


Extracellular DNA concentrations in various aetiologies of acute kidney injury
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Gaál Kovalčíková A, Janovičová Ľ, Hodosy J, Bábíčková J, Vavrincová‑Yaghi D, Vavrinec P, Boor P, Podracká Ľ, Šebeková K, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Scientific Reports 2022 Oct 7;12(1):16812


Sex Difference in Plasma Deoxyribonuclease Activity in Rats
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Gromová Barbora, Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Konečná Barbora, Renczés Emese
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Gromová B, Drobná D, Konečná B, Renczés E, Borbélyová V, Hodosy J, Celec P

Physiol Res. 2021 Dec 30;70(6):913-920.



Measurement of labile and protein-bound heme in fixed prostate cancer cells and in cellular fractions
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica
All authors: Canesin G, Janovicova L, Wegiel B

STAR Protocol. 2021 Apr 22;2(2):100491.



Isolation and Quantification of Extracellular DNA from Biofluids
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Konečná B, Vlková B, Celec P

Bio Protocol. 2020 Aug 20;10(16):e3726.



Deoxyribonuclease activity negative correlates with extracellular DNA in uncomplicated singleton pregnancies in the third trimester
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Vlková B, Janovičová Ľ, Pšenková P, Melníková L, Balažovjechová B, Záhumenský J, Celec P

Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 2021 Mar 26;49(6):755-758.



Circulating extracellular DNA is in association with continuous metabolic syndrome score in healthy adolescents
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Celec P, Janovičová Ĺ, Gurecká R, Koborová I, Gardlík R, Šebeková K

Physiol Genomics. 2021 Jul 1;53(7):309-318.



Deoxyribonucleases and Their Applications in Biomedicine.
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Laukova L, Konecna B, Janovicova L, Vlkova B, Celec P.

Biomolecules. 2020 Jul 11;10(7):1036.


Plasma Concentrations of Extracellular DNA in Acute Kidney Injury.
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Tóthová Ľubomíra, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Homolová J, Janovičová Ľ, Konečná B, Vlková B, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ, Bábíčková J

Diagnostics (Basel), 10(3):152, 2020


Sex, age, and bodyweight as determinants of extracellular DNA in the plasma of mice: A cross-sectional study.
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Janovičová L, Konečná B, Vokálová L, Lauková L, Vlková B, Celec P

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(17): E4163, 2019.


Extracellular DNA as a Prognostic and Therapeutic Target in Mouse Colitis under DNase I Treatment
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Bábíčková Janka, Gardlík Roman, Konečná Barbora
All authors: Babickova J, Conka J, Janovicova L, Boris M, Konecna B, Gardlik R

Folia Biologica, 64(1):10-15, 2018
