How do we love? Romantic love style in men is related to lower testosterone levels.
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Babkova Durdiakova J, Celec P, Koborova I, Sedlackova T, Minarik G, Ostatnikova D

Physiological Research, 66(4):695-703, 2017

The sex-dependent effects of letrozole on anxiety in middle-aged rats.
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese
All authors: Borbelyova V, Domonkos E, Csongova M, Kacmarova M, Ostatnikova D, Celec P, Hodosy J

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 44(1):93-98, 2017

Sex differences and sex hormones in anxiety-like behavior of aging rats.
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese
All authors: Domonkos E, Borbelyova V, Csongova M, Bosy M, Kacmarova M, Ostatniíkova D, Hodosy J, Celec P

Hormones and Behavior, 93 (2017): 159–165, 2017

Deoxyribonuclease activity in plasma of pregnant women and experimental animals.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Konecna B, Sysak R, Kacerovsky M, Celec P, Vlkova B

The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 22: 1-3, 2017

Sex Differences in the Effect of Resveratrol on DSS-Induced Colitis in Mice.
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Wagnerova A, Babickova J, Liptak R, Vlkova B, Celec P, Gardlik R

Gastroenterology Research and Practice, doi: 10.1155/2017/8051870., 2017

Deoxyribonuclease partially ameliorates thioacetamide-induced hepatorenal injury.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Vokalova L, Laukova L, Conka J, Meliskova V, Borbelyova V, Babickova J, Tothova L, Hodosy J, Vlkova B, Celec P

American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 312 (5): G457-G463, 2017

Our authors: Celec Peter, Minárik Gabriel
All authors: Holesova Z, Ostatnikova D, Minarik G, Ficek A, Putz Z, Celec P

Has the brain a gender? Homeostasis, 44 (1-2): 40-48, 2006

Infradian rhythmic variations of salivary estradiol and progesterone in healthy men.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Ostatnikova D, Hodosy J, Skoknova M, Putz Z, Kudela M

Biological Rhythm Research, 37 (1): 37-44, 2006

Bacteria in gene therapy: bactofection versus alternative gene therapy.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Hodosy Július
All authors: Palffy R, Gardlik R, Hodosy J, Behuliak M, Resko P, Radvansky J, Celec P

Gene Therapy, 13 (2): 101-105, 2006

Conformation study of the membrane models by the Maxwell displacement current technique and oxidative stress.
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Weis M, Kopani M, Michalka P, Biro C, Celec P, Danisovic L, Jakubovsky J

Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 65 (2-3): 81-87, 2005

Daytime of sampling, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid influence salivary thiobarbituric acid reacting substances – a potential clinical marker of gingival status.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Hodosy J, Celec P

Disease Markers, 21 (4): 203-207, 2005

Salivary thiobarbituric acid reacting substances and malondialdehyde – their relationship to reported smoking and to parodontal status described by the papillary bleeding index.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Hodosy J, Celecova V, Vodrazka J, Cervenka T, Halcak L, Bozek P, Kopani M, Kudela M

Disease Markers, 21 (3): 133-137, 2005

Biological and biomedical aspects of genetically modified food.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Hodosy Július, Minárik Gabriel, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Celec P, Kukuckova M, Renczesova V, Natarajan S, Palffy R, Gardlik R, Hodosy J, Behuliak M, Vlkova B, Minarik G, Szemes T, Stuchlik S, Turna J

Biomedicine  & Pharmacotherapy, 59 (10): 531-540, 2005