The effects of sucrose on urine collection in metabolic cages.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Kovalčíková A, Gyurászová M, Gardlík R, Boriš M, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Laboratory Animals, 53(2): 180-189, 2019



Metabolic and renal effects of dietary advanced glycation end products in pregnant rats – A pilot study.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Janšáková K, Lengyelová E, Pribulová N, Somoza V, Celec P, Šebeková K, Ostatníková D, Tóthová Ľ

Physiological Research, 68(3): 467-479, 2019


The role of sex hormones and social determinants in assessment of facial attractiveness.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman
All authors: Passakova N, Celec P, Gardlík R

Bratislavské Lekárske Listy, 120(6): 443-448, 2019



Does the 2nd and 4th digit ratio reflect prenatal androgen exposure?
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Konečná Barbora, Renczés Emese, Suchoňová Mária, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Suchoňová M, Borbélyová V, Renczés E, Konečná B, Vlková B, Hodosy J, Ostatníková D, Celec P

Bratislavské Lekárske Listy, 120(9): 703-710, 2019


Oxidative Stress in Animal Models of Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Renczés Emese, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Gyurászová M, Kovalčíková AG, Renczés E, Kmeťová K, Celec P, Bábíčková J, Tóthová Ľ.

Dis Markers. 2019 Feb 11;2019:8690805


Early Dynamics of Plasma Dna in a Mouse Model of Sepsis.
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Renczés Emese, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Lauková L, Bertolo EMJ, Zelinková M, Borbélyová V, Čonka J, Gaál Kovalčíková A, Domonkos E, Vlková B, Celec P.

Shock. 2019 Aug;52(2):257-263


Deoxyribonuclease activity in plasma of pregnant women and experimental animals
Our authors: Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Konečná B, Sysák R, Kacerovský M, Celec P, Vlková B

The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, Jul;31(13):1807-1809


The effects of a maternal advanced glycation end product-rich diet on somatic features, reflex ontogeny and metabolic parameters of offspring mice
Our authors: Celec Peter, Renczés Emese, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Csongova M, Gurecka R, Koborova I, Celec P, Domonkos E, Ulicna O, Somoza V, Sebekova K

Food & Function, 9(6):3432-3446, 2018


17β-Estradiol treatment reversed left ventricular dysfunction in castrated male rats: an echocardiographic study
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese
All authors: Baka T, Hodosy J, Krajcirovicova K, Repova K, Aziriova S, Domonkos E, Borbelyova V, Slavkovsky P, Zorad S, Celec P, Paulis, Simko F

Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 96(8):850-854, 2018


Anti-cytokine therapy and plasma DNA in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Our authors: Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Laukova L, Konecna B, Vlkova B, Mlynarikova V, Celec P, Stenova E

Rheumatology International, 38(8):1449-1454, 2018


Effect of melatonin on the behaviour of rats with continuous light-induced hypertension
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Repova K, Krajcirovicova K, Mullerova M, Aziriova S, Baka T, Zorad S, Slavkovsky P, Hodosy J, Celec P, Adamcova M, Paulis L, Simko F

General Physiology and Biophysics, 37(4):469-473, 2018


Salivary creatinine and urea are higher in an experimental model of acute but not chronic renal disease
Our authors: Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Kovalcikova A, Jansakova K, Gyuraszova M, Podracka L, Sebekova K, Celec P, Tothova L

PLoS One, 13(7):e0200391., 2018



On the Role of Testosterone in Anxiety-Like Behavior Across Life in Experimental Rodents
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese
All authors: Domonkos E, Hodosy J, Ostatnikova D, Celec P

Frontiers in Endocrinology, 6;9:441. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00441, 2018


Markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in the plasma, urine and saliva of healthy mice.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Gyuraszova M, Kovalcikova A, Jansakova K, Sebekova K, Celec P, Tothova L

Physiological Research, 67(6):921-934, 2018

Amniotic fluid cell-free DNA in preterm prelabor rupture of membranes.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Kacerovsky M, Vlkova B, Musilova I, Andrys C, Pliskova L, Zemlickova H, Stranik J, Halada P, Jacobsson B, Celec P

Prenatal Diagnosis, 38(13):1086-1095, 2018

Exogenous deoxyribonuclease has a protective effect in a mouse model of sepsis
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Laukova L, Konecna B, Babickova J, Wagnerova A, Meliskova V, Vlkova B, Celec P

Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Sep;93:8-16


Oxidative and carbonyl stress in pregnant women with obstructive sleep apnea
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Khan N, Lambert-Messerlian G, Monteiro JF, Hodosy J, Tóthová Ľ, Celec P, Eklund E, Curran P, Bourjeily G

Sleep and Breathing, 22(1):233-240, 2018


Deoxyribonuclease activity in plasma of pregnant women and experimental animals
Our authors: Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Konecna B, Sysak R, Kacerovsky M, Celec P, Vlková B

The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 31(13):1807-1809, 2018


Oxidative stress in the brain caused by acute kidney injury
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Kovalcikova A, Gyuraszova M, Vavrincova-Yaghi D, Vavrinec P, Tothova L, Boor P, Sebekova K, Celec P

Metabolic Brain Disease, 33(3):961-967, 2018


Cell-free DNA: the role in pathophysiology and as a biomarker in kidney diseases
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Celec P, Vlkova B, Laukova L, Babickova J, Boor P

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, 2018 Jan 18;20:e1


Oxidative and carbonyl stress in pregnant women with obstructive sleep apnea.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Khan N, Lambert-Messerlian G, Monteiro JF, Hodosy J, Tothova L, Celec P, Eklund E, Curran P, Bourjeily G

Sleep and Breathing, DOI 10.1007/s11325-017-1475-8, 2017

Sex differences in the effect of prenatal testosterone exposure on steroid hormone production in adult rats.
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese
All authors: Domonkos E, Borbelyova V, Kolatorova L, Chlupacova T, Ostatnikova D, Hodosy J, Starka L, Celec P

Physiological Research, 66(3):S367-S374, 2017

Does long-term androgen deficiency lead to metabolic syndrome in middle-aged rats?
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Renczés Emese, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Borbelyova V, Domonkos E, Babickova J, Tothova L, Kacmarova M, Ulicna O, Ostatnikova D, Hodosy J, Celec P

Experimental Gerontology, 98:38-46, 2017