The Importance of New EBMT Criteria on the Diagnosis of Veno-Occlusive Liver Disease in Children
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Füssiová M, Švec P, Horáková J, Sedláček P, Rohoň P, Celec P, Boďová I, Adamčáková J, Sýkora T, Dobšinská V, Pozdechová M, Dóczyová D, Vargová S, Kolenová A

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jan 20;12(3):826.


Long-Term Cola Intake Does Not Cause Evident Pathological Alterations in the Femoral Bone Microstructure: An Animal Study in Adult Mice
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Kovacova V, Omelka R, Mondockova V, Londzin P, Conka J, Meliskova V, Folwarczna J, Celec P, Martiniakova M

Nutrients. 2023 Jan 22;15(3):583.


DNA in fresh urine supernatant is not affected by additional centrifugation and is protected against deoxyribonuclease
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter, Tóthová Ľubomíra, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Kmeťová K, Tóthová Ľ, Vlková B, Celec P.

Molecular and Cellular Probes 2023 Feb 8:101900.


Severe gestational diabetes mellitus in lean dams is associated with low IL-1α levels and affects the growth of the juvenile mouse offspring
Our authors: Jakub Janko, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Pastorek Michal, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Mihalovičová L, Kunšteková V, Miláček D, Janko J, Pastorek M, Konečná B, Gurecká R, Rausová Z, Uličná O, Celec P, Šebeková K.

Scientific Reports. 2023 Jan 30;13(1):1700.


Could neutrophil extracellular traps drive the development of autism?
Our authors: Celec Peter, Pastorek Michal
All authors: Pastorek M, Drobná D, Celec P

Medical Hypotheses. 2022;167:110929

Medical Hypotheses

Hemispheric infiltrative grade II gliomas in adults: association of residual tumour volume and extent of tumour resection with malignant transformation
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Kiss A, Toma D, Hrebenarova B, Ondrusova P, Jezberova M, Fabian M, Belan V, Novotny M, Steno J, Povinec P, Kalina P, Rychly B, Chorvath M, Waczulikova I, Celec P, Steno A

Bratislava Medical Journal 2022;123(1):3-8


Early dynamics of glial fibrillary acidic protein and extracellular DNA in plasma of mice after closed head traumatic brain injury
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Kmeťová K, Drobná D, Lipták R, Hodosy J, Celec P

Neurochirurgie. 2022 Dec;68(6):e68-e74


Vitamin D and circulating tumor cells in primary breast cancer
Our authors: Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Mego M, Vlkova B, Minarik G, Cierna Z, Karaba M, Benca J, Sedlackova T, Cholujova D, Gronesova P, Kalavska K, Pindak D, Mardiak J, Celec P

Frontiers in Oncology 2022 Sep 7;12:950451


The dynamics of extracellular DNA associates with treatment response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Our authors: Kristína Macáková, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Macáková K, Illésová J, Mlynáriková V, Lesayová A, Konečná B, Vlková B, Celec P, Šteňová E

Scientific Reports 2022 Dec 6;12(1):21099


Measurement of Urea in the Saliva of Healthy Mice – a Pilot Study
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Kovalčíková AG, Ivašková N, Hodosy J, Podracká L, Celec P, Tóthová L

Folia Biol (Praha). 2021;67(4):158-162


Heme oxygenase-1 mitigates liver injury and fibrosis via modulation of LNX1/Notch1 pathway in myeloid cells
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Canesin G, Feldbrügge L, Wei G, Janovicova L, Janikova M, Csizmadia E, Ariffin J, Hedblom A, Herbert ZT, Robson SC, Celec P, Swanson KD, Nasser I, Popov YV, Wegiel B

iScience. 2022 Aug 20;25(9):104983


Labile Heme and Heme Oxygenase-1 Maintain Tumor-Permissive Niche for Endometriosis-Associated Ovarian Cancer
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Hecht JL, Janikova M, Choudhury R, Liu F, Canesin G, Janovicova L, Csizmadia E, Jorgensen EM, Esselen KM, Celec P, Swanson KD, Wegiel B

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Apr 29;14(9):2242


Variability of endogenous deoxyribonuclease activity and its pathophysiological consequences
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Celec Peter
All authors: Janovičová Ľ, Čonka J, Lauková L, Celec P

Molecular and Cellular Probes. 2022 Oct; 65:101844


The Effect of Air Plasma Activated Liquid on Uropathogenic Bacteria
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Konečná Barbora, Pastorek Michal, Suchoňová Mária, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Pastorek M, Suchoňová M, Konečná B, Pásztor S, Petrus J, Ivašková N, Celec P, Gardlík R, Machala Z, Tóthová Ľ

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 42, no. 3 (2022/05/01 2022): 561-74

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing


Extracellular DNA concentrations in various aetiologies of acute kidney injury
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Gaál Kovalčíková A, Janovičová Ľ, Hodosy J, Bábíčková J, Vavrincová‑Yaghi D, Vavrinec P, Boor P, Podracká Ľ, Šebeková K, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Scientific Reports 2022 Oct 7;12(1):16812


Neuromotor Development in the Shank3 Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Our authors: Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Renczés Emese, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Pillerová M, Drobná D, Szabó J, Renczés E, Borbélyová V, Ostatníková D, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Brain Science. 2022 Jun 30;12(7):872



Plasma DNA and deoxyribonuclease are associated with glucose metabolism in healthy mice
Our authors: Jakub Janko, Celec Peter
All authors: Kmeťová K, Čonka J, Janko J, Illés J, Uličná O, Celec P

PLoS One. 2022 Apr 6;17(4):e0265099


On the Origin of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in COVID-19
Our authors: Celec Peter, Pastorek Michal
All authors: Pastorek M, Dúbrava M, Celec P

Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Mar 11;13:821007


Long-Term Consumption of a Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink in Combination with a Western-Type Diet Is Associated with Morphological and Molecular Changes of Taste Markers Independent of Body Weight Development in Mice
Our authors: Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Lieder B, Čonka J, Reiner A T, Zabel V, Ameur D, Somoza M M, Šebeková K, Celec P, Somoza V

Nutrients. 2022 Jan 29;14(3):594


Hemispheric infi ltrative grade II gliomas in adults: association of residual tumour volume and extent of tumour resection with malignant transformation
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Kiss A, Toma D, Hrebenarova B, Ondrusova P, Jezberova M, Fabian M, Belan V, Novotny M, Steno J, Povinec P, Kalina P, Rychly B, Chorvath M, Waczulikova I, Celec P, Steno A

Bratislavské Lekárske Listy. 2022;123(1):3-8


Ferrate (VI), Fenton Reaction and Its Modification: An Effective Method of Removing SARS-CoV-2 RNA from Hospital Wastewater
Our authors: Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Žabka D, Konečná B, Celec P, Janíková M, Ivašková N, Tóthová Ľ, Tamáš M, Butor Škulcová A, Púček Belišová N, Horáková I, Bímová P, Híveš J, Ryba J, Klempa B, Sláviková M, Kopáček J, Krahulec J, Gál M, Mackuľak T

Pathogens. 2022 Apr 9;11(4):450


Dynamics of Plasma and Urinary Extracellular DNA in Acute Kidney Injury
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Jančuška A, Potočárová A, Gaál Kovalčíková A, Podracká Ľ, Bábíčková J, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Mar 21;23(6):3402


The Effect of Melatonin on Periodontitis
Our authors: Jakub Janko, Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Konečná Barbora, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Konečná B, Chobodová P, Janko J, Baňasová L, Bábičková J, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 27;22(5):2390


The Effect of Long-Term Hypogonadism on Body Composition and Morphometry of Aged Male Wistar Rats
Our authors: Jakub Janko, Borbélyová Veronika, Celec Peter, Renczés Emese, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Borbélyová V, Šarayová V, Renczés E, Čonka J, Janko J, Šebeková K, Štefíková K, Ostatníková D, Celec P

Physiol Res. 2021 Dec 31;70(S3):S357-S367


Testosterone and the brain: from cognition to autism
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Ostatníková D, Lakatošová S, Babková J, Hodosy J, Celec P

Physiol Res. 2020 Dec 31;69(Suppl 3):S403-S419.
