Syllabus of lectures for the school year 2024/2025

In this section, you can view the syllabus of subjects within the Faculty of Natural Sciences UK for the academic year 2024/2025.


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Brief description of the subject

(the subject will be taught in slovak language)

The aim of the subject is:

  • to provide basic knowledge of hormonal regulation of physiological functions such as food intake, metabolism, growth, reproduction, electrolyte management, etc.
  • to expand knowledge about the causes and consequences of endocrine disorders, with a strong emphasis on frequently occurring diseases and disorders, such as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental disorders, or reproductive disorders
  • to understand the principle of endocrine processes and provide the latest knowledge about their molecular mechanisms

In addition to the presentations that will be available on the website, we also provide you with the opportunity to:

  • to participate in experiments at the Institute of Molecular Biomedicine (IMBM)
  • to continue in biomedical research at IMBM (diploma thesis, students scientific activities, foreign internship, etc.)
  • to earn bonus points* that count towards the exam
  • block and online teaching according to the agreement

Lecture syllabus:

1. Introduction – information on the subject; Molecular mechanisms of endocrine regulation
2. Hormones in the brain
3. Adrenal hormones: Sympatiko – adrenal system and adrenal cortex hormones
4. Gonadal hormones and endocrine-dependent tumors of the genital organs
5. Hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism
6. Thyroid hormones
7. Pancreas and insulin resistance
8. Diabetes mellitus
9. Complications of diabetes
10. Hormones and regulatory peptides of the gastrointestinal tract
11. Hormones of other organs and organisms


In case of any questions or ambiguities, do not hesitate to write to the subject teacher:

assoc. prof. Peter Celec MD, Dipl Ing., Dr. Rer. Nat., DSc., MPH

Veronika Borbélyová, MSc. PhD.

Emese Renczés, MSc., PhD.

For reliable information about the difficulty and benefits of the subject, we recommend contacting our PhD student, Barbora Gromová, MSc., who as a molecular biologist during her studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the UC completed Molecular Endocrinology out of curiosity to broaden her scientific horizons. The knowledge gained from this subject was used during her scientific research fellowship at Harvard Medical School, where she is currently working in the laboratory of Dr Longhi deals with the role of estrogen receptors in T cell immunity, specifically in the adenosine signaling pathway in autoimmune hepatitis. Her scientific activity can be inspiring and motivating for all of us!


*Getting bonus points:


Written test: 100 points

breakdown questions: 5 pcs for 10 points = 50 points
short questions: 10 pcs for 5 points = 50 points

Exam evaluation:

100 – 91 = A
90 – 81 = B
80 – 71 = C
70 – 61 = D
60 – 51 = E
≤ 50 = Fx

Bonus points for voluntary activities (points count towards the exam):

  • conducting an experiment on IMBM: up to 50 points
  • presentation of a scientific article: up to 20 points
  • winning quizzes (Kahoot): up to 20 points