35 new publications in 2021

During 2021 we managed to produce 35 new publications, which we are very pleased about.

3 best publications from our team:


  1. Pillerová M, Borbélyová V, Hodosy J, Riljak V, Renczés E, Frick KM, Tóthová Ľ: On the role of sex steroids in biological functions by classical and non-classical pathways. An update. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2021 Jul;62:100926


  1. Maronek M, Gromova B, Liptak R, Konecna B, Pastorek M, Cechova B, Harsanyova M, Budis J, Smolak D, Radvanszky J, Szemes T, Harsanyiova J, Kralova Trancikova A, Gardlik R. Extracellular DNA Correlates with Intestinal Inflammation in Chemically Induced Colitis in Mice. Cells. 2021 Jan 6;10(1):81.


  1. Konecna B, Chobodova P, Janko J, Banasova L, Babickova J, Celec P, Tothova L. The Effect of Melatonin on Periodontitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021. 22(5).


We are also grateful for all the collaborations with colleagues outside our Institute and we also list the 3 best publications created with them:

  1. Itagaki K, Rica I, Konecna B, Kim HI, Park J, Kaczmarek E, Hauser CJ. Role of Mitochondria-Derived Danger Signals Released After Injury in Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2021. 35(15): p. 1273-1290.


  1. McLellan LK, McAllaster MR, Kim AS, Tóthová Ľ, Olson PD, Pinkner JS, Daugherty AL, Hreha TN, Janetka JW, Fremont DH, Hultgren SJ, Virgin HW, Hunstad DA. A host receptor enables type 1 pilus-mediated pathogenesis of Escherichia coli pyelonephritis. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Jan 29;17(1):e1009314.


3. von Stillfried S, Villwock S, Bülow RD, Djudjaj S, Buhl EM, Maurer A, Ortiz-Brüchle N, Celec P, Klinkhammer BM, Wong DWL, Cacchi C, Braunschweig T, Knüchel-Clarke R, Dahl E, Boor P: SARS-CoV-2 RNA screening in routine pathology specimens. Microb Biotechnol. 2021 Jul;14(4):1627-1641.


We would like to thank all the authors and look forward to further cooperation in publishing!